Pyjama Girl-

This is a site full of tales and late night ramblings from an art student who is now living at home and recovering day by day from a medical procedure.

Pyjama Girl's question- Am I the only one who lives in my pyjamas?

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Sighs of Relief and an Aching Shoulder

Hello there Plague Rats... (Only Emilie Autumn fans will understand that.)

So0o0oo... **sigh** I can let out a big sigh of relief now for I have finished my CD cover for my friend's local band or for his solo album, still depending on what he chooses, I don't know I'm just the artist lol. So the brief was FAITHLESS. It was all about finding strength within yourself. And the lyrics were very suggestive of either being about love, or about a stalker who's obsessively in love. So I did a load of sketch book work and came up with three designs, one of which the basis sketch went well the when painted it didn't work. But I completed one of them that had all the details requested in it. And now he's edited it with his details and I've edited it on photoshop using my graphics tablet I don't think it looks half bad. Though I am going to carry on with one of the other designs.

Haven't got a lot else to report since my tonsillitus, only that I've jarred my shoulder, keeps clicking like a crazy thing. But you shouldn't force shoulders first into doors. :S

Ahh good night my pyjama wearing friends, or should I say good 'morrow? Ah I shll leave a lovely big update tomorrow.

Love all!

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