Pyjama Girl-

This is a site full of tales and late night ramblings from an art student who is now living at home and recovering day by day from a medical procedure.

Pyjama Girl's question- Am I the only one who lives in my pyjamas?

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Rough one

Yo bunny slippers,

Ok so I had a very rough day today. Have some family going on and I've been really ill this week so I was very down and slept all day. BUT I will not be a moaning about that as I have things to blog about. I've been making handmade cards, decorative trinket boxes, photo frames, painted flower pots and all sorts of cutie little bitsys and bobs.

To anyone out there who may answer, would anybody be interested in buying a pack of cards from me. I will be getting proper photos up this week to advertise them a bit more.

This song pretty much sums up my day and what happened and all of my past. But meh.

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